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  • Writer's pictureGourmet Popcorn

Low Calorie Popcorn Snack & Making Healthy Life Choices

A friend of mine once told me that one reason he was able to get so physically fit was because he never participated in a “diet”. My first thought was that he cut back on certain foods, ate low calorie snacks, exercised, and controlled his calorie intake; is this not a diet? He said that instead of calling it a diet that people should call it a “lifestyle change”. My friend said that calling it a diet has a sort of placebo effect. Dieting makes people think of foregoing the foods you love to eat and a lot of hard work that may not seem to do much except tire a person out. As time goes on people on a diet will make mistakes and soon give up.

Making a “lifestyle change” sounds like a major change in a person’s life and gives people a goal that they can achieve without the mental baggage dieting tends to have. Exercising should be a fun and uplifting experience for people and if it is not, then you are doing something wrong. You can easily substitute unhealthy foods for healthier, and more often, better tasting low calorie popcorn snack that will help you make your lifestyle change possible

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